Transformer condition assessment is the most important part of Transformer management. It should provide a main transition from individual data and measurements to the formation of an integral image. And not only creation an image, then quantifying all the conclusions to obtain input data for maintenance planning.

The report must contain specific answers to the topics: What? When? How? How many?

When evaluating a transformer condition, there are a few border lines:

> Transformer is mostly static equipment exposed to electrical, thermal, mechanical and ambient influences,
> Every transformer is designed to withstand projected stresses and to age gradually,
> Critical elements of the transformer are: insulation, OLTC (if present), bushings and cooling system, due to construction and higher exposure to stresses.
> Most of the methods for measurement and condition evaluation are focused on the critical elements.
> There is no single method that can test a transformer as a whole, individual methods must be combined.
> The applied methods are either confirmation or supplemented, which means that sometimes two methods can test the same element and confirm each other, and sometimes one method can see only a part of the picture and must be complemented  with the other one.
> Some methods are being used on transformer in service and the other ones offline, which makes a big difference.
> The condition assessment is made in accordance with significance in the system, the voltage level and age of service.

In order to combine all the results from different methods to evaluate the transformer condition, deep knowledge of testing phenomena and procedures is a must.

The reliable transformer condition assessment is a basis for all following actions and plans.

When the first step is completed and the realistic condition of the transformer is determined, it is possible to set up a proper Maintenance strategy and Transformer Management System.

That can be reached by the integral approach, recommended by TransformLife.

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