TransformLife concept
Proactive approach to transformer management
Reduce operational costs
Extend transformer Life
Optimize maintenance strategies


Our experts can make interpretation or reinterpretation (second opinion) of individual measurement of transformer:

Electrical measurement (insulation resistance, tg δ and cappacitance of windings and bushings, windine resistance, SFRA, FDS,RVM,…)

Chemical measurement (DGA, Oil quality, Water-in-oil, Water-in-solid insulation, PCB in oil, Furan compounds in oil, Oil tan δ, Oil resistivity, Breakdown voltage, Acidity, Oil corrosity, DBDS, etc.)

Transformer condition assessment is a key step in the Transformer management because it provides all the essential information that determines further operation and maintenance. The scope of assessment should be in line with the importance and size of the transformer.

Our experts can determine the condition of the transformer based on the results of electrical, chemical and thermovision measurements and additional historical and operational data. Recommendations are included as a valuable output.

We can also make a plan for future tests for condition assessment with a scope adjusted to every single transformer.
In the case of failure or malfunction, our experts can analyze all available data (circumstances of failure, protection and alarm action, electrical and chemical measurements, historical data, etc.) and give valuable opinion and recommendations for further operation, monitoring, measurement, mitigation possibilities adjusted to the energy system needs and financial limitations.
Evaluation of Health Index (HI) is valuable for medium to large energy systems, with a larger number of transformer. In that case HI is a good general parameter which allows transformer comparison. You should keep in mind that HI quantify transformer condition but for recommendations and cost planning it does not work.

In our opinion, Health Index should be used only by transformer experts in combination with condition assessment.
For important and valuable units, it is recommendable to obtain transformer complex diagnostics at certain age.

Our experts can guide you in making the plan, by selecting appropriate set of measure and by supervising methods and practices applied. We can also be engaged in reviewing preliminary and final reports.

Complex diagnostics should increase reliability of transformer and to provide significant guidance in further maintenance.
Post-mortem analysis is very important because it represents an irreplaceable lesson for the future operation of other transformers. It enables to determine the root causes of failures and detection of weak points, which can lead to changes in maintenance strategies.

We have experience to guide you step-by-step through specific tests, give full program, supervise site or factory testing and sampling, define and review report.
The integrated approach, in our implementation, represents the connection of all relevant information and data about the transformer in one harmonized image, from its production, events during operation and in the surrounding energy system, through the analysis of the current maintenance and assessment of the current condition. It also includes managers point of view, ie. financial aspect, with special emphases on determining the weak points of the transformer and management system.
On-line monitors can be very useful for important and dynamic units. They can allow you to react timely in order to prevent unplanned outages and failures.
But there are many unsolved questions: when to use them, on which units, which parameter to measure, what are the limits of response, how to interpret the obtained data, etc.
Our experts can help you with consulting from the stage of planning to actual on-line monitoring data, setting limit values, monitoring of parameters, recommendations…
When purchasing a new unit or after major refurbishment, transformer characteristics should be in accordance with defined standard values. The purpose of FAT is to check if all the parameters are acceptable and satisfactory for further operation.
We can help you in defining goals and be a part of your supervision team in the factory during tests.
Our experts can be additional warranty that the transformer is leaving the factory in good and reliable condition.
Selection, FAT, erection, SAT of high voltage equipment (power transformers, circuit breakers, disconnectors, current transformers, voltage transformers, lighting arresters etc.), as well as commissioning of turnkey substation are crucial steps which provide the basis for further operation of the substation and all individual parts.
Our experts can advise and supervise every single step and part of equipment, through many years of international experience gained in various energy and construction companies.
The service life of the transformer is equal to the service life of the insulating paper. That is why it is important to timely apply techniques for slowing down the aging of paper and insulating oil.
We can help you to choose the right moment as well as the right procedure. It is also important to define expectations, ie. what should be the values of key parameters after the applied processes. And of course, our experts can be involved in the monitoring and control of the treatment on site.
A very important aspect of the transformer management is the development of financial plans. Our experts possess knowledge and experience in maintenance fulfillment, clearly distinguishing current and capital needs of transformers. We can set priorities, while ensuring the reliability of operation and make OPEX and CAPEX planning based on realistic estimates and aligned with the needs of the whole system.
First and second opinion on many transformer events, review and audit of external subcontractors, monitoring and control of internal procedures and practices.
Consultations on test methods, measuring instruments, measurement control can be provided by our experts who have worked in accredited testing laboratories.
And other issues in the field of transformer life quality…

TransformLife answers
How to keep transformer healthy
How to solve operating problems
How to improve transformer life quality
How to put together a transformer puzzle

Practical outcomes

TransformLife approach
· Collect all relevant data, results and documents that already exist,
· every data or measurement is a part of a whole puzzle,
· connect data into meaningful image,
· deliver overall report about transformer condition and reliability with an emphasis on weak points and detail recommendations,
· forecast costs for maintenance to keep transformer healthy.
We have the knowledge and experience to put all the parts together.

Transformer Life Quality
Integral diagnostics

Health index
Failure probability
Condition Based Monitoring (CBM)
Loss-of-Life (LOF)
The detection of weak points is a central issue,
because this will provide guidance in maintenance planning.
That is the basic idea of Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) – finding weak points and fix or control them before they lead to malfunctions or failures.

Maintenance program

Financial plan to keep transformer healthy

OPEX and CAPEX planning

Proactive Transformer Management

Smart choice

Maintenance and operation of transformer involve number of specialist and services.
The „Pyramid top“ is overall opinion that provides recommendations and strategy development.

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